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Arizona legisdlature defeats ban on 'vaccine passports'
Sat, 2021-05-22 13:52 — mike kraft
Arizona lawmakers this week failed to pass a ban on businesses requiring on “vaccine passports.”
The measure, House Bill 2190, would have prohibited businesses or third-party online entities from asking “whether the person has or has not received a COVID-19 vaccine or a vaccine to address any variant of COVID-19 as a condition for receiving any service, product or admission to an event or venue,” according to its text.
It would have also banned state, county and local governments, as well as public universities in Arizona, from requiring people to disclose whether they have been vaccinated.
The measure would not have prohibited health professionals or healthcare institutions from requiring documentation of vaccination, but they would not be allowed to deny healthcare services based on vaccination status.
Any violation would be a Class 3 misdemeanor, which is punishable by an up to $500 fine and no more than 30 days in prison.
The measure failed on a 16-13 vote. According to Arizona’s Capitol Media Services.
GOP Sen. T.J. Shope sided with all Democrats in killing the bill.
“I believe in private property rights,’’ Shope said, according to the news service. “I believe in the rights of the sole proprietor, the barber who may be immunocompromised who cannot get a vaccine who would just want to put a sign up in the front of their shop.” ...
Arizona Gov. Doug Ducey (R)... signed an executive order in April banning state and local governments from requiring proof of vaccination to revive service or enter an area.
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