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Only a quarter of Pfizer’s COVID-19 treatment orders will go to developing countries--Oxfam

Just a quarter of Pfizer’s COVID-19 treatment orders will go to developing countries | Oxfam International

Some nations could be paying ten times the price of Paxlovid’s generic equivalent, as WHO chief calls for treatment access to battle acute and long COVID-19

Rich countries have secured almost three times as many courses of a World Health Organisation (WHO)-recommended COVID-19 medicine, Pfizer’s Paxlovid, according to new analysis from Oxfam and the People’s Vaccine Alliance.



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Financial and bureaucratic barriers in the United States hinder nasal spray covid vaccines

Operation Warp Speed, the Trump-era program that poured billions of dollars into developing Covid shots, seemed to signal a new dawn of American vaccine making, demonstrating how decades of scientific grunt work could be turned into lifesaving medicine in a matter of months.

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