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NYTimes Investigation: 5 Takeaways on Trump’s Effort to Shift Responsibility

President Trump and his top aides sharply shifted their pandemic strategy in mid-April after seizing on optimistic data suggesting the virus would disappear, a Times investigation found.

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Despite pressure from Trump, major districts say schools will stay closed in fall

Virus deaths top 600,000 as many countries continue to strugglet

Older Children Spread the Coronavirus Just as Much as Adults, Large Study Finds

The study of nearly 65,000 people in South Korea suggests that school reopenings will trigger more outbreaks.


In the heated debate over reopening schools, one burning question has been whether and how efficiently children can spread the virus to others.

A large new study from South Korea offers an answer: Children younger than 10 transmit to others much less often than adults do, but the risk is not zero. And those between the ages of 10 and 19 can spread the virus at least as well as adults do.

The findings suggest that as schools reopen, communities will see clusters of infection take root that include children of all ages, several experts cautioned.

“I fear that there has been this sense that kids just won’t get infected or don’t get infected in the same way as adults and that, therefore, they’re almost like a bubbled population,” said Michael Osterholm, an infectious diseases expert at the University of Minnesota....

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WHO posts 2nd daily record for new cases in row

The World Health Organization is again posting a single-day record of new confirmed coronavirus cases. It announced 259,848 new cases on Saturday.

The WHO on Friday posted more than 237,000 confirmed cases around the world. The back-to-back records come as many nations struggle with new waves of infections after loosening lockdown restrictions.

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New studies clarify what drugs help, hurt for COVID-19

WHO’s list of guidance on COVID-19

There’s a lot of information out there about how governments, health professionals and the general public should respond to the COVID-19 pandemic. WHO has published guidance and advice every step of the way. 

During health emergencies like the COVID-19 pandemic, one of WHO’s most vital roles is to gather data and research from around the world, evaluate it, and then advise countries on how to respond.

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It’s not only coronavirus cases that are rising. Now covid deaths are, too.

Opinions If we want any vaccine to actually work, we have to prepare for it now

Hydroxychloroquine studies show drug is not effective for early treatment of mild covid-19

Unpublished White House document says 18 states are in the coronavirus 'red zone' and should limit gatherings, close gyms, and mask up

Dire situation in Sun Belt hospitals and bracing for worse

Virus prompts drastic measures as death tolls set records

HOUSTON (AP) — The coronavirus kept surging in hot spots around the U.S. on Thursday, with one city in South Carolina urging people to pray it into submission, a hospital in Texas bringing in military medical personnel and morgues running out of space in Phoenix.

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U.S. coronavirus cases rise by record breakng 75,000 in single day

(Reuters) - The United States reported at least 75,000 new COVID-19 cases on Thursday, a record daily increase for the seventh time this month, according to a Reuters tally.

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U.S. must spend $75 billion to fix flawed Covid-19 testing, report says


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