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Hidalgo County is one of the most extreme examples of how the coronavirus has shifted from dealing its heaviest blows to northeastern urban areas to now reaching all corners of the country. As the death count grows, smaller towns and rural communities bea

FDA to announce tougher standards for a coronavirus vaccine that make it unlikely one will be cleared by Election Day

Russia offers free vaccine shots to UN staff

GAO report criticizes administration's coronavirus equipment supply chain efforts, White House calls GAO "useful idiot"


WASHINGTON — The White House is objecting to a new report from the Government Accountability Office that concludes that seven months into the coronavirus pandemic, the U.S. continues to struggle with supply chain logistics that have led to shortages of personal protective equipment and diagnostic tests.

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Covid-19 Live Updates: Over 200,000 People Have Died in the U.S.

The death toll in the United States from the coronavirus pandemic passed 200,000 on Tuesday as the first day of fall brought questions about what may be ahead.

More deaths have been announced in the United States than in any other country, and reports of new coronavirus cases have climbed in the U.S. and parts of Europe in recent days, suggesting an uncertain new phase in the crisis.

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Does Wearing Glasses Protect You From Coronavirus?

When researchers in China were analyzing hospital data of patients with Covid-19, they noticed an odd trend: Very few of the sick patients regularly wore glasses.

In one hospital in Suizhou, China, 276 patients were admitted over a 47 day period, but only 16 patients — less than 6 percent — had myopia or nearsightedness that required them to wear glasses for more than eight hours a day. By comparison, more than 30 percent of similarly aged people in the region needed glasses for nearsightedness, earlier research had shown.

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Eli Lilly, Amgen collaborate on production of potential COVID-19 antibody therapies

AstraZeneca, Under Fire for Vaccine Safety, Released Trial Blueprints

AstraZeneca revealed details of its large coronavirus vaccine trials on Saturday, the third in a wave of rare disclosures by drug companies under pressure to be more transparent about how they are testing products that are the world’s best hope for ending the pandemic.

Polls are finding Americans increasingly wary of accepting a coronavirus vaccine. And scientists inside and outside the government are worried that regulators, pressured by the president for results before Election Day on Nov. 3, might release an unproven or unsafe vaccine.

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Not trusting the FDA, Black doctors’ group creates panel to vet Covid-19 vaccines

UK Prime Minister orders new virus restrictions, could last 6 months

LONDON (AP) — Prime Minister Boris Johnson warned Britons on Tuesday that they should not expect to return to a normal social or work life for at least six months, as he ordered new restrictions that his government hopes will suppress a dramatic surge in confirmed coronavirus cases.

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Airlines call for COVID-19 tests before all international flights

PARIS (Reuters) - Global airlines on Tuesday called for pre-departure COVID-19 testing for all international passengers to replace the quarantines they blame for exacerbating the travel slump.

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House Republican report blames Chinese cover-up for coronavirus pandemic

Study suggests that mandatory mask requirements reduced the COVID-19 growth rate and prevented 200,000 cases in April and May

RECAP: CDC abruptly removes guidance about airborne coronavirus transmission, says update 'was posted in error'

Could a Century-Old TB Shot Protect Against Other Respiratory Diseases?


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