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Colorado reports third omicron case in the United States


"Just moments ago, Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment confirmed the first Colorado case of the omicron variant," Polis said in a press conference. "It is somebody who just traveled to southern Africa and returned."

Polis said that the individual is a female suffering mild symptoms who is isolating at home.

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Many public health experts were opposed to a boosters-for-all approach. The new variant is changing some minds.

As recently as last week, many public health experts were fiercely opposed to the Biden administration’s campaign to roll out booster shots of the coronavirus vaccines to all American adults. There was little scientific evidence to support extra doses for most people, the researchers said.

The Omicron variant has changed all that.

Scientists do not yet know with any certainty whether the virus is easier to spread or less vulnerable to the body’s immune response. But with dozens of new mutations, the variant seems likely to evade the protection from vaccines to some significant degree.

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U.S. emerges as outlier on Covid measures as Biden faces political headwinds

WASHINGTON — President Joe Biden is expected to outline his plans Thursday to combat the coronavirus this winter with measures that would largely put the U.S. out of step with other countries that are clamping down on the new and worrying omicron variant.

The administration’s strategy will focus mostly on ramping up existing Covid-19 procedures and promoting vaccinations and booster shots, according to the White House, without pursuing many of the restrictions that are being imposed in other parts of the world. ...

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