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U.S. Hospitals brace for rough flu and COVID season

Hospitals nationwide are preparing for a third winter with Covid — the first one that's also expected to include high levels of influenza and other respiratory illnesses that have simmered quietly in the background for the past two years.

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New WHO strategy aims to strengthen rapid response to health emergencies


“As we build a new and stronger architecture for health emergency preparedness and response, a rapidly deployable global health emergency corps will be vital, building on the experience and capacities of Emergency Medical Teams,” said the WHO Director-General, Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, in his opening statement...

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Uganda Ebola cases jump to 50, with 1 more death

The number of people infected in Uganda's Ebola Sudan outbreak jumped to 50 today, with 14 more cases added to the total, the World Health Organization (WHO) African region said today on Twitter.

One more person died, raising the fatality count to 24.


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